One of the leading nonprofit trends in 2020 was virtual volunteering, and that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Similar to companies and individuals adapting to the new work-from-home life, nonprofit organizations shifted their charitable efforts online over the last year. Volunteering has changed drastically with traditional volunteer roles, such as serving food at a local soup kitchen, postponed or significantly restricted, and virtual opportunities being introduced.

According to a recent survey done by Volunteer Canada, 56% of organizations now offer some virtual volunteering roles. With the use of technology, we are still able to help nonprofits continue to grow and increase their impact.

Although there will always be a demand for physical volunteers, nonprofit organizations anticipate that 50% of these new virtual roles will remain online.

So, as you are levelling-up your workplace giving program, consider the opportunities that virtual volunteering can offer to your team.

The main benefits of virtual volunteering are:

  • It is flexible.
  • It gives you access to more unique, skills-based volunteer opportunities.
  • It engages your digital-savvy employees.
  • It's safe!


Virtual volunteering allows individuals to volunteer at a time and place that is convenient for them. They don’t need to commute, worry about traffic, or spend long hours at a project. People with busy schedules, like full-time employees, can have the opportunities to give back without feeling the need to sacrifice something else.

Access to more volunteer opportunities

As well, virtual volunteering isn’t limited to geographical barriers allowing individuals to volunteer for international charities. People can use their professional skills, or develop new ones, to make a difference from across the world.

Engages digital-savvy pros

With four generations in the workforce, virtual volunteering engages Millennials and digital-savvy individuals in Generation Z. These generations enjoy work-life balance and have a strong desire to give back to their communities. Virtual volunteering is the perfect way to engage these employees to make a difference from the safety and comfort of their homes.

With our increasingly digital culture and technology, it’s simpler than ever to set up virtual volunteer work. If you are looking for opportunities for your team, Purposely Discover has remote volunteer positions that are regularly updated to ensure they are always relevant. This resource is only accessible to our beta customers.

Some current opportunities include:

  • Director of Marketing
  • Event Coordinator
  • Accountant
  • Tech Talk Volunteers
  • Online Mentors

For more information about our beta program, visit our website. Apply today because there’s only a limited number of spots available.

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