Introducing: Discover. This new website is the best source of volunteer opportunities in Vancouver, including some that aren't posted anywhere else. COVID-safe, remote-friendly, and much more, in every cause area.

It's designed to help nonprofits, volunteers, and companies working to support social good. And it's the start of something much bigger.

It's our answer to "I want to volunteer, but what's out there?" and "I want my employees to volunteer, but where do I send them?" and "I need volunteers, but where can I recruit them?"

We've built this discovery page specifically for companies that have seen their volunteer programs languish during COVID, have struggled to implement a culture of volunteering, or simply want to put more & better resources in front of their volunteer-happy employees.

There are great companies here in Vancouver (and beyond) with a mandate to give back to their communities. These companies want their employees to volunteer, and they devote resources to making that happen.

And we really love these companies, because we believe that volunteering is so so so so crucial to making the world a better place. Volunteering makes people healthier, more generous, and more compassionate. It forms the backbone of so much good work. Most importantly, it builds community around helping others - something that we at Purposely believe is an antidote to many social ills.

So if we love volunteering so much, why are we so focused on solving problems for for-profit companies? Well, I'm glad you asked - Because we know that they are the single biggest barrier to more volunteering. When people work 9-5, they have no time & energy left over to volunteer. And companies that support volunteering - with paid time off, incentives, and other programs - are making the single-biggest impact to support volunteering.

So, we're working with these companies to supercharge their volunteering programs. We're starting by solving an immediate need: there's no one place that employees (or anyone) can go to to find a comprehensive list of the best volunteer opportunities.

Check out our shiny new volunteer opportunity discovery page now!

And did I mention it's only the start?

After countless conversations with local Vancouver companies, we've seen the need for a comprehensive solution to the challenges of volunteer programs.

Which is why, over the coming months, we'll be layering in added features to make volunteering easier and more social, while help companies track data & get results.

So exciting!

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