Last week, the Purposely team made a big decision. We dropped our current priorities and re-tooled our website for a specific need in response to COVID-19:

People can now use Purposely to post offers of help and post asks for help, and find each other.

We made this decision because of the desperate need we're seeing: Facebook groups dedicated to this cause have sprung up and grown rapidly, and patched-together tools are being released to try to assist in this process. Yet, we recognized that Purposely was uniquely positioned to build the required tools, and quickly, to serve this need.

We also recognize that there are over 50 nonprofits currently signed up and using Purposely's volunteer management tools.

We want you to know that we're not abandoning you! You're our core mission. You're the reason we started Purposely, and the reason we'll keep it going after COVID-19 passes.

The core features of our site that allow you to run events, create schedules, track volunteer information, and much more, will continue to work during this phase.

Furthermore, we'll be on-hand if you need anything or have questions. We're here to support you.

And while the world won't be the same after COVID-19, our commitment to volunteering and nonprofits will only be stronger, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you in the future.

With love,

Eric, Gurkaran, Alex, Rae, Kiaan & Mandy