When the pandemic first hit it felt like we collectively stepped into a new reality. And in many ways, we did. We’re not out of the woods just yet, but restrictions are lifting and it’s becoming safer to gather in groups outdoors. Most of us are itching to spend some in-person time with co-workers. It’s why we introduced Purpose Days, and it’s why we’re introducing new features that help bring teams together in fun and impactful ways.

It's always better when we're together

Shoutout to those Jack Johnson fans out there 🎸 But I digress. As part of our mission to get more people volunteering more often, we’re incredibly excited to introduce our new Team Coordination feature! People who are signed in at purposely.co can find a team activity, create or join a team, and track all the information they need to volunteer with their coworkers

You can either browse through our entire database of group volunteer activities or see which activities others in your company have created and joined.

See all of the currently active teams at your company

Our goal is to put team activities front and centre so you can see when your co-workers plan to volunteer. And if you don’t see an opportunity that speaks to you, then you can let us know directly in app! We’ll go out and find the perfect volunteer activity for you and your co-workers. We’re here to help 💪

Simplicity in action

Starting a group volunteer activity has never been easier

Once a team is created, co-workers can join any of the teams created for a volunteer opportunity. And guess what? That’s pretty easy too (there’s a theme emerging here 😉)! With one click you can join a team activity. All team members will receive reminders before the team activity date, and if the day or time changes, our system will keep everyone up to date.

Join a team with one click

Here’s to more volunteering ahead

Volunteering is great, and volunteering together is even better. There’s a lot of work ahead of us here at Purposely, but we’re thrilled to bring the world a tool that makes coordinating volunteer activities that much easier. We can’t wait to see what you do with it!

Let’s stay safe, get outside, and make a real impact on the world around us. Here’s to building meaningful connections and making our communities stronger through volunteering  🙌