Not-for-profit organizations are one of the few entities in the world that rely solely on the giving spirit of folks like you and me. We give in a number of ways, including direct monetary donations to the organizations we care about most, or volunteering our time to causes that make a difference in the world.

It’s no surprise that donations have dropped off significantly since COVID-19 plunged the world into an economic crisis. In fact, you might find yourself in the all too familiar scenario of “I have some extra time to volunteer, but my funds are running a little low right now.” And you know what, a lot of us are feeling guilty about it.

If this sounds like you, you’re in luck— while donating is a great way to give to nonprofits, rather than feeling guilty about not having the funds to donate, let’s explore how every hour you volunteer has a dollar equivalent. This isn’t to diminish the importance of donating, but rather, to highlight the fact that volunteering has real dollar significance.

Your Time by the Dollar

So let’s cut right to it. Every hour that you spend volunteering is equal to $27.20, which is just about the average hourly wage of Canadians and Americans. On top of that, Canadians volunteer over 2 billion volunteer hours collectively while those in the US volunteer roughly 7 billion hours! That’s a lot of hours with a significant dollar equivalent. How significant you might ask? How does $204 billion dollars sound?

If you’re like the average Canadian and spend roughly 156 hours of your year volunteering you contribute over $4,200 a year, while Americans contribute around half that amount. So the next time you feel a pang of guilt for not having the means to donate, don’t stress too much, you’re already making a huge impact.

You may be reading this and up until this point in your life, volunteering just hasn’t been your thing. But charities need your help now more than ever, and you know what, it’s never to late to start something new. Plus, besides the contribution you’d be making to your community, there are some other exciting benefits to volunteering❤️Just remember to make sure that you’re following proper social distancing measures!

It Takes a Village

The financial impact you can provide as an individual is great, but as the saying goes, the more the merrier. It may take a village to raise a child, but that same village is necessary for a nonprofit to thrive and prosper. While most of us are no longer living in villages, you more than likely work with a team of do-gooders who wouldn’t mind joining you for some quality volunteer time.

Encourage your coworkers to spend some time volunteering for causes they care about, or ask them to join you on your next volunteer outing. Better yet, if they don't already, encourage your employer to support you with paid time off to volunteer. Some companies are even making it easier than ever for you to find opportunities, track hours, and get deep insights into how your company’s volunteer initiative is performing (oh hey, that's us!).

Let Go of the Guilt

If you can, consider giving in multiple ways, by donating your time and money to causes that matter. But we all know that isn’t always possible, so drop the guilt, shake off the stress, and know that even if you can’t donate your money, your time means the world to these organizations. So give selflessly of your time knowing that your impact is bigger than you think.