All nonprofit organizations have a mission to make great change in the world. But the reliance on unspecialized staff, volunteers, and uncertain donation streams create an unpredictable environment that is difficult to thrive in.

Creating a stable environment in which processes are efficient and optimized allow nonprofits to make meaningful and measurable progress towards their mission. How can your nonprofit achieve this?

Volunteer Projects are the perfect way to solve a pressing need at your nonprofit, whether that is getting help with an upcoming fundraiser or transforming your organization's online prescence. The benefit of projects is that they are done by a group of skilled volunteers who are experienced in the task at hand. Instead of coming up with a HR process yourself, why not get the advice and expertise of a professional? A fully scoped project can take anywhere from 5-100 hours of volunteer time.

How to Scope Out Projects for Your Nonprofit

1. Establish a Need

Explain the need for the project, or a problem you would like solved. This will guide the project and help the volunteers determine what are the best ways to approach your problem.

2. Description

Provide some background information about your organization and describe the situation surrounding the need of the project.

3. Project Deliverables

How will this help your nonprofit? Outline the main deliverables and outcomes you wish to achieve after the project is completed. This can include marketing materials, press releases, strategic plans, and more.

4. Timeline

Specify the approximate timeline of the project, including the total number of volunteer hours. If you’re unsure how much time the project will take, no worries! You can leave it for the volunteers to decide.

Thoroughly scoping out projects and executing them will allow nonprofits to make meaningful progress and take their organization to the next level.

You can create and post a project on Purposely, and reach over 2000+ skilled volunteers. It is completely free for nonprofits to use, and it only takes a few minutes to do!

Having Trouble with Project Scoping?

Project scoping is easier said than done. With so many moving parts within the organization, it can be hard to pinpoint your exact need(s) and know what outcomes you want. It is even more daunting if you don’t have the expertise and tools to start with.

If you have a problem that you think might be a project, but you’re not sure what the scope is and how to frame the project, consultation calls can help!

Consultation calls are 30 to 60 minute chats with a professional, and this includes project managers! Stay tuned for our next blog post to learn more about consultation calls, and how you can transform your organization in less than an hour!