How Nonprofits Can Benefit From Consultation Calls

The truth is, nonprofit growth is hard. There are over 170,000 charities and nonprofit organizations in Canada and 90.7% are small charities (have 10 or less employees).

These small charities support an incredible diversity of causes and the leaders of these organizations work tirelessly to find strategies to grow their impact to reach communities across the country.

But what’s difficult about growth is knowing where you can improve and how you can take your organization from point A to point B. Growth might be difficult to nail down, especially by yourself, but it isn’t out of your reach. It’s actually closer than you think.

We previously talked about volunteer projects and how nonprofits can benefit from them. Scoping out these projects can be a challenge in itself, but we have the solution - consultation calls!

Consultation calls for nonprofits are a fairly new concept, and they may seem daunting at first, but they are key to nonprofit growth.

What are consultation calls?

Consultation calls are 30 to 60 minute chats with a professional on the subject of their expertise. This can be marketing, HR, accounting, project management, etc. During the call, you can chat through your goals, brainstorm ideas, and get tailored solutions for your nonprofit.

At the end of the call, you will have a tangible plan and actionable steps on how you can grow your organization. From there, you can take on this plan yourself or enlist the help of skilled volunteers through projects.

"I like to think of consultation calls as the speed-dating of professional volunteering. You and the volunteer get to have a quick chat on the subject of their expertise. If it’s a great call and they get what you need, and they love what your organization does, you can ask them to take the next step and volunteer a little more time!” - Alex McGowan, Co-Founder of Purposely

Through projects, skilled volunteers will take the plan and strategies and complete them efficiently using their expertise. You can leave it to them! Connecting with a professional only takes a few minutes on Purposely, and with over 1500 skilled volunteers, you will quickly get the help you need!

Growth is attainable if you know where to start and what steps you should take - and the bigger your organization, the bigger your impact. Let’s grow your nonprofit together!